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Within ten days of purchasing your new puppy, you must take him/her to a licensed veterinarian for an examination. If the veterinarian determines, within ten days of purchase, that your dog is clinically ill or has died from an injury sustained or illness likely to have been contracted on or before the date of sale and delivery, Please for more info visit our Guarantee Page
Rottweiler Puppies love to be pet behind the ears, along their backs, and of course on their belly.
The Dalmatian is a great first-time dog because they are so biddable by nature and therefore easy to train. With this said, they can be a little harder to house train than other breeds of a similar size, but with patience, perseverance and gentleness, a Dalmatian can be taught to do their “business” outside.
The Dalmatian is a social character by nature and they get on with other animals they meet which includes other pets in a household. They don’t like straying from their owners which generally means they are less likely to take off after an animal they may have spotted in the distance.
The Dalmatian puppies like in their behavior well into their senior years and being so intelligent, they quickly learn what pleases an owner. They are playful dogs by nature
The Dalmatian puppies is a very versatile and adaptable dog being just as happy living in an apartment in town as they are living in the country, providing they are given enough attention, mental stimulation and daily exercise. There is little this dog breed cannot do, they can stay just about anywhere and adapt real fast.
Unfortunately, the Dalmatian puppies are known to like the sound of their own voices a little too much. As such, it’s essential that owners gently curb their pet’s desire to bark when puppies are still young, but this needs to be done carefully so as not to frighten them which could end up with them barking even more. It’s also important to understand that the Dalmatian puppies thrives on being around people and will bark incessantly if they find themselves on their own for long periods of time. In short, a Dalmatian puppies would bark to get attention and to let the world know how unhappy they are at being left alone.
Yes! Dalmatian Puppies are friendly, affectionate and big enough to live just about anywhere, even outside. They are even great with kids and other pets when properly socialized.
Dalmatians are seldom aggressive, though tiny they have big hearts filled with love and care they’re perfect with children and other pets around
We specialize in the breeding of just this breed which is the Dalmatian and we are the best in what we do.